Top "Responsiveness" questions

Responsiveness describes the ability of an UI element or dialog to respond on user interaction within an acceptable time frame.

How to test html file for mobile responsiveness

I need to test an html file for mobile responsiveness, but all the resources I have found to do this …

html mobile responsiveness
Fullpage.js and mobile devices: How to enable section / slide switch if content overflow must be enabled?

After experimenting with some of the options I still did not get satisfying result: The used Javascript library is FullpageJS (…

jquery mobile touch fullpage.js responsiveness
How to calculate padding-top in % of the given div relative to its parent div

Problem: I want to add padding-top in % to all list items (because I need to move the text a little …

css responsive-design padding scaling responsiveness
Div re-order with CSS

Does anybody know of any examples or tutorials on how to achieve the below: On desktop the layout will be: …

css responsive-design responsiveness
MaterializeCSS how can i make row column height the same?

I have a basic grid on materializeCSS my problem is my column is not the same height so my layout …

responsive-design grid materialize responsive responsiveness
Responsive Semantic UI React Grid, Columns, Rows

I'm having trouble making Semantic UI React grid fully responsive, at least respond the way I want for Desktop, Tablet …

css responsive-design grid responsiveness semantic-ui-react
How to set responsive image's max width (Bootstrap 4)?

Question: How do you set the max-width of an image in Bootstrap 4 while retaining the image's responsiveness? Background: Boostrap 4's .…

css bootstrap-4 responsiveness
How to specify responsive column width for table in Bootstrap v4

In Bootstrap 3, I can easily design responsive sensitive table. I can split columns into their grid system. More than that …

css twitter-bootstrap responsiveness bootstrap-4
Bootstrap 3 Navbar Not Responsive

I've been testing my bootstrap site on various devices to ensure it's responsive. I've got everything resizing correctly for different …

html twitter-bootstrap responsive-design nav responsiveness
Can I have bootstrap columns go to next row two by two on smaller screens?

I have this html code: <div class="row fluid"> <div class="col-md-3 clearfix"> <img src="…

html css twitter-bootstrap-3 responsiveness