Top "Response-time" questions

Measurement of time spent from sending the request until received a response

Measuring server response time (client-side)

I would like to implement a script that would measure the response time of my server (= remote url) from a …

javascript jquery client-side httpresponse response-time
What is the shortest perceivable application response delay?

A delay will always occur between a user action and an application response. It is well known that the lower …

user-interface response-time perception
Percentiles of Live Data Capture

I am looking for an algorithm that determines percentiles for live data capture. For example, consider the development of a …

algorithm response-time percentile resampling
How to Optimize REST API Response time

am working on a E-commerce project which has internally four projects(parts). 1.) core -has users info 2.) cms-contents info 3.) oms-orders info 4.) …

java angularjs rest optimization response-time
How Throughput and Response time are related

I ran a JMeter test for 193 samples where I could see my average response time as 5915ms and Throghput as 1.19832. …

jmeter load-testing throughput response-time
Making a DNS request using Java and timing the response

Could some one show me how I can make a DNS request to a particular DNS server and get the …

java dns applet response-time
Average Inter-Keypress time when typing

I have tried to google for answers to this, but perhaps there isn't widely available research or perhaps I'm not …

performance keypress typing response-time
How to measure response-time of network using Java?

We have a client and a server. I want to measure the response-time of the network between them. When I …

java networking response-time
Performance effect of enabling apache response time log directive

What affect will enabling the response time (%D) LogFormat directive have on apache performance? The response time is the time …

performance apache monitoring logging response-time