Top "Resampling" questions

Resampling is any of a variety of methods for estimating the precision of sample statistics by jackknifing or bootstrapping.

Pandas every nth row

Dataframe.resample() works only with timeseries data. I cannot find a way of getting every nth row from non-timeseries data. …

python pandas resampling
Resample a numpy array

It's easy to resample an array like a = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]) with an integer resampling factor. For instance, with a factor 2 : …

python arrays numpy audio resampling
Pandas OHLC aggregation on OHLC data

I understand that OHLC re-sampling of time series data in Pandas, using one column of data, will work perfectly, for …

python python-2.7 pandas dataframe resampling
Downsample a 1D numpy array

I have a 1-d numpy array which I would like to downsample. Any of the following methods are acceptable if …

python numpy scipy signal-processing resampling
ValueError: arrays must all be same length in python using pandas DataFrame

I'm a newbie in python and using Dataframe from pandas package (python3.6). I set it up like below code, df = …

python-3.x pandas dataframe resampling
Where can I find a good read about bicubic interpolation and Lanczos resampling?

I want to implement the two above mentioned image resampling algorithms (bicubic and Lanczos) in C++. I know that there …

algorithm image-processing resampling
Resampling irregularly spaced data to a regular grid in Python

I need to resample 2D-data to a regular grid. This is what my code looks like: import matplotlib.mlab as …

python matplotlib resampling
Resampling Error : cannot reindex a non-unique index with a method or limit

I am using Pandas to structure and process Data. I have here a DataFrame with dates as index, Id and …

python python-2.7 pandas group-by resampling
Percentiles of Live Data Capture

I am looking for an algorithm that determines percentiles for live data capture. For example, consider the development of a …

algorithm response-time percentile resampling
Resampling of two data sets of different length in MATLAB

I have two vectors: sensorA of length 927 and sensorB of length 1250. I would like to make them of the same …

matlab signal-processing sampling resampling