Top "Replace" questions

Replacing is the action of searching a string for a sub-string and replacing it with a different string.

sed - Get only the replaced string from a multiline input & omit unmatched lines!

I want sed to omit all non-matching lines, and only output the replaced string (of the single/multiple intended line/…

regex sed replace multiline
FreeMarker ?replace multiple values

Is it possible to replace multiple values in a FreeMarker template? For example, if I want to replace "a" and "…

replace freemarker
Case preserving substitute in Vim

Can this can be done in Vim? What I mean is: searching for 'BadJob' and replacing with 'GoodJob' would do …

vim replace
Regex-based matching and sustitution with nano?

I am aware of nano's search and replace functionality, but is it capable of using regular expressions for matching and …

regex replace nano
Delete all lines not containing string in Sublime

I recently got a bruteforce on my website, and wanted to write it down somewhere. The bad new is that …

regex logging replace sublimetext brute-force
How to remove the first two characters of a QString

How would I remove the the first two characters of a QString or if I have to put it a …

c++ qt replace qstring
Android Development: How To Replace Part of an EditText with a Spannable

I'm trying to replace part of an Editable returned from getText() with a span. I've tried getText().replace() but that's …

android replace spannablestring spannable
How to change diacritic characters to non-diacritic ones

I've found a answer how to remove diacritic characters on stackoverflow, but could you please tell me if it is …

.net replace character diacritics
Is it possible to replace to uppercase in Visual Studio?

Is it possible to replace to upper case in Visual Studio using "Find and Replace" dialog and RegEx (?) à la: . => …

regex visual-studio replace uppercase
Replacing Text Inside of Curley Braces JavaScript

I am trying to use JavaScript to dynamically replace content inside of curly braces. Here is an example of my …

javascript replace match curly-braces dynamic-variables