Top "Renderer" questions

A renderer is a software construct that accepts and transforms information so that it can be displayed in a given medium.

Using OpenGL to replace Canvas - Android

I am attempting to replace the Canvas-based rendering system that I already have with the faster opengl-es surface, however, I …

java android opengl-es renderer
How to render a composite component using a custom renderer?

I would like to know how to render a composite component, through Java, I mean I have: <myowntags:selectOneRadio&…

jsf-2 composite-component renderer
Unity Resources.Load<Sprite> vs as Sprite

I've tried to change the image of my object with this code (used as Sprite cast): GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().…

unity3d resources load sprite renderer
Is there any way to right align the text in a JCombobox

I want to have a JComboBox with right align. how can I do that? someone before said "You can set …

java swing jcombobox renderer right-align
What is the relationship between component family, component type and renderer type?

When I am learning custom component development in JSF, I got confused with the relationship between component family, component type …

java jsf jakarta-ee custom-component renderer
Rails3: How to pass param into custom will_paginate renderer?

I've got a custom will_paginate renderer that overrides WillPaginate::ViewHelpers::LinkRenderer's link method like so: def link(text, target, …

ruby-on-rails-3 will-paginate renderer
Plotting issues with dash-dot and dotted lines: How to modify default linestyles for better use with vector renderer 'painters'?

Matlab offers the following default linestyles: '-' Solid line (default) '--' Dashed line ':' Dotted line '-.' Dash-dot …

matlab plot matlab-figure renderer
Set Jtable/Column Renderer for booleans

Right now my Boolean values for my JTable display as JCheckBoxes. This would normally be fine but I would like …

java swing jtable renderer
angular: Calling el.setAttribute results in an error

I'm trying to set a new attribute (defined as 'data-num') within each element (labeled as el) referring to [ngDN] (as …

javascript angular typescript renderer setattribute
JTree set background of node to non-opaque

Please have a look at the SSCCE. How can I make the non-selected tree nodes' background transparent. At the moment …

java swing jtree treenode renderer