Top "Treenode" questions

The base element of a hierarchical tree-like data structure.

How can I determine if the selected node is a child or parent node in TreeView?

How can I find out if the selected node is a child node or a parent node in the TreeView …

c# .net winforms treeview treenode
How do you get the root node or the first level node of the selected node in a tree view?

Are there more straight forward method than the code below to get the root nodes or the first level nodes …

c# .net treeview treenode
Is there a method for searching for TreeNode.Text field in TreeView.Nodes collection?

Like this: TreeNode[] treeNodes = treeView.Nodes.Find(searchString, true); but I want it to search in the text field instead …

c# winforms treeview treenode
How to deep copy a Binary Tree?

I would like using my own Node class to implement tree structure in Java. But I'm confused how to do …

java recursion tree treenode
how many nodes can a binary tree have at level n? Use induction to prove the answer

This is a homework and i didn't have much time to spent on it but I know some of the …

data-structures tree binary-tree treenode
C# WinForms highlight treenode when treeview doesnt have focus

Gretings. I'm making an interface to edit scenarios for a game. Basically it consists of events, which have nested conditions …

c# winforms treeview treenode
TreeView search

This function find only first node in treeview, that contains SearchText. private TreeNode SearchNode(string SearchText,TreeNode StartNode) { TreeNode node=…

c# winforms search treeview treenode
Java: How to programmatically select and expand multiple nodes in a JTree?

I have a JTree and an awt.Canvas. When i select multiple objects from within the Canvas into the objList, …

java swing select jtree treenode
Set icon to each node in Jtree

I want to set for each node in my JTree a different icon, actually I'm loading each node from a …

java swing jtree treenode treecellrenderer
Map an object to another in Typescript

I have a role object that I wanted to map to a TreeNode object using PrimeNG to display it in …

typescript primeng treenode