Top "Render" questions

Rendering is the process of generating an image from a model (or models in what collectively could be called a scene file), by means of computer programs.

ASP.NET MVC - Render section conditionally in Layout

i have following code in my _Layout.cshtml: @if (SiteConfig.Instance.HasCustomMarkup) { @RenderSection("bodyPart1", false) @RenderBody() @RenderSection("bodyPart2", false) } else { &… layout conditional render
Why does OpenGL have a far clipping plane, and what idioms are used to deal with this?

I've been learning OpenGL, and the one topic that continues to baffle me is the far clipping plane. While I …

opengl graphics 3d render projection
Render View (or Partial) In another project?

i have a solution with the following two projects - MyNamespace.Services and MyNamespace.Web. Web contains a MVC web … path view render partial
Python + Mapnik: Example on how to render a map with a gps track on it

I'm trying to render a map using mapnik and python from a GPS track recorded. I get the gps data …

python render openstreetmap mapnik
grails.converters.JSON except few properties

I am using grails-1.3.2 and hbase-0.2.4. I have the following domain class: class MyClass{ String val1 String val2 String val3 //…

json grails groovy render converter
drupal #default_value not applied in select option in drupal_render

I try to print a drupal 'select option' element in a form .I think drupal_render not applying #default_value.…

drupal-7 render default-value drupal-forms drupal-render
Capturing HTML generated from ASP.NET

How do I best capture the HTML (in my instance, for logging) rendered by an aspx-page? I dont want to … html logging render
react.js - Render on requestAnimationFrame

I want to experiment with performance of some React components inside my app. I know that ClojureScript's Om framework (https://…

javascript render reactjs requestanimationframe react-jsx
JSF action never triggered on h:commandButton (with f:ajax)

I read a lot about f:ajax working with other jsf or html tags but it doesn't seem to be …

jsf render commandbutton
render default template when requested template is missing in Rails

For a plugin I want to hack the following feature into Rails: When a (partial) template does not exist (regardless …

ruby-on-rails render actionview