Top "Removechild" questions

removes and returns a child node from the DOM

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller error - AS

I have this code snippet inside a function that checks if an object exists on stage and removes it: public …

actionscript-3 displayobject removechild
The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller

I am a newbie, and I have seached and tried for weeks on this, and I cannot get the grip …

actionscript-3 object movieclip addchild removechild
AS3 stage.addChild / stage.removeChild << Must be child of caller

If im usin function to add a mc to the stage like so: var myChild:MC= new MC(); function somefunc() { …

actionscript-3 removechild addchild displayobject
How to delete a node from an Ext TreePanel if the node hasn't been rendered

I've found that I can't delete nodes that haven't been rendered yet. The following code shows what I mean. I …

extjs removechild treepanel
Cannot read property `parentNode` of undefined

I have a function that creates a HTML table: makeHTMLTable: function(array){ var table = document.createElement('table'); for (var i = 0; …

javascript reactjs removechild parent-node
Javascript - How to Remove DOM elements using click events and classes?

I am having some difficulty using parentNode.removeChild(). I have a list of 'items' in an un-ordered list, each have …

javascript for-loop addeventlistener removechild
How do you remove and hide HTML elements in plain Javascript?

I have this HTML: <body> <div id="content-container" style="display:none"> <div>John</…

javascript html show-hide removechild
Error with getElementById(id).remove() in IE11

I have this code: document.getElementById(id).remove(); But, IE give me an error with this function. Do you know …

javascript getelementbyid removechild
How to remove Children from an AbsoluteLayout in Xamarin.Forms?

In my app I use a Xamarin.Forms AbsoluteLayout. I have a custom menu bar. When I clicked on a …

children removechild xamarin.forms absolutelayout
How to remove next element using JavaScript (without using jQuery)

I need something like this. <a onclick="SaveNote(this);" >Save</a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" …

javascript dom removechild appendchild createelement