Top "Addchild" questions

The ActionScript 3 `addChild()` function

When to use addChildViewController vs pushViewController

I just watched a 2011 WWDC presentation on "Implementing UIViewController Containment" (here's a link to the video) They mentioned both of …

iphone uiviewcontroller pushviewcontroller addchild
Actionscript 3, addChild from library then access it's children by instance names

So I successfully added a movie clip from the library using addChild(), but now I want to access some movieclips …

flash actionscript-3 actionscript movieclip addchild
as3 check if child exists - removeChild();

The code below creates a MovieClip called "circle" and checks if it exists and deletes it via removeChild(); It removed …

actionscript-3 exists removechild addchild
Adobe Flash Builder (flex4): addChild() is not available in this class.

I want to load an swf into a flex 4 application in order to use its classes. var ldr:Loader=new …

apache-flex flex4 loader flash-builder addchild
The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller

I am a newbie, and I have seached and tried for weeks on this, and I cannot get the grip …

actionscript-3 object movieclip addchild removechild
AS3 stage.addChild / stage.removeChild << Must be child of caller

If im usin function to add a mc to the stage like so: var myChild:MC= new MC(); function somefunc() { …

actionscript-3 removechild addchild displayobject