Top "Removechild" questions

removes and returns a child node from the DOM

Removing an element through the parentNode.removeChild throws a DOM Exception 8

I have code which is roughly as follows (I removed some parts, as they are irrelevant): Library.focus = function(event) { …

javascript dom removechild domexception
How to trigger onunload event when removing iframe ?

How can the iframe's unload event be triggered when removing it? Using the code below, when removeChild(iframe) is called, …

iframe triggers removechild onunload
Javascript: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'

i am trying to recreate a some practices from one of the courses. Its about to remove a li-item from …

javascript removechild
addEventListener() not working on list of elements

I have an array of paragraph elements. When each <p> is clicked on I want that element removed …

javascript for-loop addeventlistener removechild
JS: remove lastChild only works every second button click

I use this code to delete the last item of an <ul> list, but only on the second, …

javascript html dom removechild