Top "Reliability" questions

Reliability is the ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time.

Facebook Graph API - get ID for a URL?

This seems like a pretty obvious, basic thing to expect from the Graph API, but I'm having serious difficulty with …

facebook-graph-api reliability
Erlang's 99.9999999% (nine nines) reliability

Erlang was reported to have been used in production systems for over 20 years with an uptime percentage of 99.9999999%. I did …

erlang reliability uptime downtime
What to use ? time() function or $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] ? Which is better?

Which one among these two time functions is better? I have a form on my website which is submitted by …

php performance time reliability
Can the unload Event be Used to Reliably fire ajax Request?

I need a method to monitor user edit sessions, and one of the solutions I'm reviewing will have me using …

javascript ajax events reliability
Adding Custom WCF header to Endpoint Programatically for Reliable Sessions

I'm building a WCF router and my client uses Reliable Sessions. In this scenario when the client opens a channel …

wcf session header reliability
Does Windows Azure offer static IP for VMs?

I have been trialling the Bizspark / Azure offer for my company. When we accidentally exceeded our free usage limit by 1…

azure reliability static-ip-address
S3 high-availability + reliability for backups

I did some research on this, but wasn't able to find any substantial answers, so turning to StackOverflow. How reliable …

amazon-s3 backup high-availability reliability
Linux HA / cluster: what are the differences between Pacemaker, Heartbeat, Corosync, wackamole?

Can you help me understand Linux HA? Pacemaker, Heartbeat, Corosync seem to be part of a whole HA stack, but …

linux cluster-computing high-availability reliability heartbeat
Android timer that works when device is sleeping

I'm writing a sports app that needs to track the elapsed time of quarter/half/period. Elapsed time needs to …

android timer clock persistent reliability
Redis - Better way of cleaning the processing queue(reliable) while using BRPOPLPUSH

Our Current Design Env Redis 2.8.17 We have implemented our reliable queue, using the pattern similar to the one described in …

redis queue reliability