Top "Heartbeat" questions

Heartbeat (as of version 3.x) is a cluster messaging layer, often combined with pacemaker as the cluster resource manager.

ZooKeeper alternatives? (cluster coordination service)

ZooKeeper is a highly available coordination service for data centers. It originated in the Hadoop project. One can implement locking, …

locking cluster-computing high-availability heartbeat apache-zookeeper
How does rabbitmq heartbeat work

The native rabbitmq client for java allows to setup heartbeat on connection settings, for example like this: import com.rabbitmq.…

rabbitmq heartbeat
Python - Detect if remote computer is on

So, I have an application in Python, but I want to know if the computer (which is running the application) …

python udp heartbeat
What is the best way to implement a heartbeat in C++ to check for socket connectivity?

Hey gang. I have just written a client and server in C++ using sys/socket. I need to handle a …

c++ sockets heartbeat
node.js disconnecting every ~25 seconds (heartbeat-related)

I'm trying to set up a node.js server, using The problem I'm seeing is that my server …

node.js heartbeat
Detect Heart Rate using iPhone Camera

Possible Duplicate: Detecting heart rate using the camera I am working on detecting pulse rate in iOS. I have done …

iphone ios camera heartbeat
Java heartbeat design

I need to implement a heartbeat system on my Java project (3-5 Clients with 1 server for them) but I have …

java sockets serversocket heartbeat
"Heartbeats" from client to server in PHP/JS

I am trying create a small web application that allows a user to "login" and "logout." What I am currently …

php javascript client heartbeat
Disabling heartbeats (Node.js)

The documentation mentions that heartbeats can be disabled like so: io.disable('heartbeats'); Unfortunately, while this seems to …

node.js heartbeat
How to create a background threaded on interval function call in python?

I am trying to implement a heartbeat call that works in the background. How do I create a threaded on …

python heartbeat