A relational database is a database consisting of relation variables (which are also called *relvars*, *R-tables* or just *tables*). The definition, manipulation and integrity rules of relational databases are based on relational operations equivalent to or similar to the Relational Algebra and Calculus.
After reading a shocking article written by Bret Taylor (co-creator of FriendFeed; current CTO of Facebook), How FriendFeed uses MySQL …
nosql relational-database schemalessWhen can a BCNF decomposition not preserve functional dependency... I am trying to figure this out for say R=(V,…
relational-database database-normalization functional-dependenciesAssume there is a bank, a large shop, etc, that wants the accounting to be done correctly, for both internal …
sql database database-design relational-database accountingI think my Contact List database design is correct, but there is an error. Access 2013 is telling me: You cannot …
ms-access database-design relational-database ms-access-2013 erdI have a 'Photo' class and a 'Comment' class. An Photo can have multiple comments assigned to it. I have …
asp.net nhibernate relational-database cascading-deletes nhibernate-cascadeI'm practicing taking as input a set of functional dependencies and output candidate key(s). Is there an algorithm and …
relational-database database-normalization relational-algebra functional-dependenciesAfter reading over my other question, Using a Relational Database for Schema-Less Data, I began to wonder if a filesystem …
database filesystems nosql relational-database schemaless