Top "Relational-database" questions

A relational database is a database consisting of relation variables (which are also called *relvars*, *R-tables* or just *tables*). The definition, manipulation and integrity rules of relational databases are based on relational operations equivalent to or similar to the Relational Algebra and Calculus.

How to understand the 5th Normal Form?

I'm using two online sources for gaining an understanding of the 5NF, without any rigor of Math and proofs. A …

database-design relational-database database-normalization
MySQL Indexing, Different types and when to use them?

Ok, So I have (re)searched a lot regarding MySQL Indexes and their importance and I understand i have to …

mysql database indexing relational-database heidisql
How to set up a typical users HABTM roles relationship

I'm quite new to this and I'm using cancan + devise for my user auth. However I'm not really sure what …

ruby-on-rails devise relational-database has-and-belongs-to-many cancan
SqlAlchemy - Filtering by field defined as a ForeignKey

I am trying to get instances of a class filtered by a field which is a foreign key but when …

python sqlalchemy relational-database foreign-key-relationship
Why are relational databases having scalability issues?

Recenctly I read some articles online that indicates relational databases have scaling issues and not good to use when it …

database relational-database
Converting xml schema to relational model

Do you guys know, how we can convert XML Schema to relational model? What are the steps involved? More precisely, …

database-design relational-database datamodel
Normalize an Address

I am trying to normalize an address. The diagram below shows the relevant tables for this question I believe. I …

database database-design relational-database normalization zipcode
How to convert data stored in XML files into a relational database (MySQL)?

I have a few XML files containing data for a research project which I need to run some statistics on. …

mysql sql xml relational-database data-conversion
Pros and Cons of Multi-value Databases

I've just started a new job where I'm going to have to do a fair amount of work with a …

relational-database universe multivalue-database
What is the difference between SQL Server Compact Edition and SQL Server Express Edition?

Can someone please explain what is the main difference between SQL Server Compact Edition and SQL Server Express Edition? For …

sql-server-express relational-database database-engine