Top "Regsvr32" questions

You can use the Regsvr32 tool (Regsvr32.

RegSvr32 exit codes documentation?

I played with RegSvr32.exe to register a COM Server and got next exit codes: 0 - when registering properly normal …

windows winapi dll com regsvr32
Unable to register dll using regsvr32:The module "*.dll" failed to load

There is a similar question from stackoverflow. But I didn't find that the answer is helpful. I also used Google …

matlab windows-7 matlab-deployment regsvr32 dllregistration
Register DLL/OCX in InnoSetup

I have a DLL and OCX pack then I've decided to make an installer. This is what I have: ArchitecturesInstallIn64…

dll installation inno-setup regsvr32 dllregistration
Visual Studio: Run C++ project Post-Build Event even if project is up-to-date

In Visual Studio (2008) is it possible to force the Post-Build Event for a C++ project to run even if the …

c++ visual-studio post-build-event regsvr32
Registering OCX with regsvr32.exe and having it available for all users

I have a third party web application that relies on a particular OCX file to be registered on the user's …

registry ocx regsvr32
What permissions/rights are needed to run regsvr32 /s /c "myocx.ocx"

I have a WindowsXP configured as a build machine. The build process runs under an account which isn't an administrator. …

ocx regsvr32
regsvr32 file was loaded but the entry-point dllregisterserver

Possible Duplicate: How do I register a COM DLL written in C# with Regsvr32? I have written a DLL in …

c# dll regsvr32 entry-point
How to register a 64-bit COM dll on 64-bit Windows 7?

I'm trying to register an x64 COM server dll for use in x64 office on x64 windows 7. I have followed …

visual-c++ com atl windows-7-x64 regsvr32
dllregisterserver in iviewers failed

When I try to run Oleview I get an error saying that DllRegisterServer failed for IViewer.dll (sorry I wanted …

regsvr32 oleview
regsvr32 doesn't create any entries in registry

I have a problem trying to register DLL. My OS is Windows 7 (x64). I do it in two different ways: 1) …

dll regsvr32 clsid