Top "Regsvr32" questions

You can use the Regsvr32 tool (Regsvr32.

Unable to register crystl32.ocx

I keep getting the error message when I try to launch VB6 application on my Windows 7 system Component 'crystl32.ocx' …

windows-7 vb6 regsvr32 dllregistration
Module comctl32.ocx failed to load in Windows 10 Home

I have an old VB 6 app that someone is trying to install. The user is trying to register Comctl32.ocx. … regsvr32
Regsvr32 fails to find the dll in the current folder

When I use "regsvr32 foo.dll" i get a "The specified module cannot be found" error. The error is being …

windows com regsvr32
regsvr32 error: the module was loaded but the entry point was not found

People here use an old compiled VB program, the last version is 16 years old. It works on some machines but …

windows dll vb6 ocx regsvr32
Registering a COM object created with VS C# 2010

I created a COM object with C# yesterday which resulted in three files in the bin/release directory of my …

c# dll com regsvr32 regasm
how to debug: regsvr32 dll registration error 0x3

I have an application that I am creating a innosetup install (setup.exe) for. 20 COM dlls register fine. I have …

regsvr32 dllregistration
How do I check if a COM dll is registered in C#

I created a Office Add-In in VS 2008, C#, .NET 3.5, and VSTO. It is deployed via ClickOnce. A run-time configuration form …

c# com dll vsto regsvr32
Descriptions of error codes returned by regsvr32

Where can I find documentation that describes the meaning of error codes returned by regsvr32, such as 0x80070716?

documentation error-code regsvr32
What does regsvr32 actually do?

regsvr32 I just see it said something installed successfully,but what's the whole story?

directshow regsvr32
On Windows7, regsvr32 doesn't write to HKCR\CLSID

I have created a new simple COM object in Visual Studio 2008 using the ATL-wizard. The object has a single class …

com windows-7 regsvr32