The Windows Registry is a database where configuration settings for hardware, software and the Windows operating system itself are saved.
I am trying to use C# to read excel file which has intermixed datatype. Below is my connection string var …
c# excel registry oledb registrykeyI've been trying to publish my package to the NPM Registry. I get an error that I am not allowed …
npm registry command-line-interface publishI use this code to know if a key exists or not: if RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'Software\Autodesk') then …
registry inno-setup pascalscriptIn the past we have used Advanced Installer to build our .msi installers for a particular project. Our yearly license …
visual-studio-2010 installation registry setup-project custom-actionI'd like for my program to be able to override the maximum imposed mouse size of 32x32 much like the …
c# registry mouse accessibilityI have a 32-bit application and a 32-bit installer, written in Wise Installation Studio. I know...I shouldn't be using …
installation registry 32bit-64bit wiseWhat i'm trying to do is to check if a registry key (NOT VALUE, KEY) exists in the registry. I …
qt registry qsettingsI'm looking for a way to check if a registry key exists with python. How can I do this or …
python python-2.7 registry pywin32 registrykeyWe have a COM component (let's call it MyLib) developed in VB.NET, for our Access application (let's call it …
com wix registry dllregistration heatfirst time posting in StackOverflow. :D I need my software to add a couple of things in the registry. My …
c# .net registry file-extension