Top "Pascalscript" questions

Free scripting engine that allows you to use most of the Object Pascal language within Delphi or Free Pascal projects at runtime.

Inno Setup: How to watch variables values or write to debug output?

How can I watch values of variables while debugging in Inno Setup? How can I print something to debug output? …

debugging inno-setup pascalscript
How can I add a check box for optional files during install in Inno Setup?

I'm trying to make a custom checkbox in my custom page (because it's a one page installer), is needed only …

inno-setup pascalscript
Make Inno Setup installer request privileges elevation only when needed

Inno Setup installer has the PrivilegesRequired directive that can be used to control, if privileges elevation is required, when installer …

inno-setup uac privileges pascalscript elevated-privileges
Determine Windows version in Inno Setup

I'm using Inno Setup to change the recycle bin in the OS. I need to make some cases for if …

windows inno-setup pascalscript
Exit from Inno Setup installation from [Code]

Is it possible to exit the installation from a function in the [Code] section of an installer created with Inno …

inno-setup pascalscript
InnoSetup: Getting AppName in [Code] section

I'm creating an installer using InnoSetup, and writing some custom handlers in a [Code] section. In one of the handlers, …

installation inno-setup pascalscript
How to check with Inno Setup, if a process is running at a Windows 2008 R2 64bit?

I've read the following post. My Code looks exactly the same, but does not work: Inno Setup Checking for running …

windows inno-setup 32bit-64bit pascalscript
How do read and set the value of a checkbox in an InnoSetup wizard page?

I have added a checkbox to the "Additional Tasks" page of an InnoSetup script with [Tasks] Name: "StartMenuEntry" ; Description: "Start …

checkbox inno-setup pascalscript
Proper structure syntax for Delphi/Pascal if then begin end and ;

It has been around 20 years since I last had to write in Pascal. I can't seem to use the structure …

delphi inno-setup pascal pascalscript
Inno Setup doesn't allow access to all registry keys, why?

I use this code to know if a key exists or not: if RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'Software\Autodesk') then …

registry inno-setup pascalscript