Inno Setup: How to watch variables values or write to debug output?

Timofei Davydik picture Timofei Davydik · Feb 3, 2013 · Viewed 23k times · Source

How can I watch values of variables while debugging in Inno Setup? How can I print something to debug output?



TLama picture TLama · Feb 3, 2013

There's currently no debug watch window, but you can simply hover the variable you want to inspect, when the debugger is stopped on a breakpoint. To print something to a debug output, use the Log procedure:

procedure InitializeWizard;
  Value: Integer;
  Value := 123;
  Log('The Value is: ' + IntToStr(Value));

Here is the result of the hovered Value variable from the previous script sample:

enter image description here

And the result of the debug output window after when you step over the Log statement:

enter image description here