Top "Redux-form" questions

Redux Form works with React and Redux to enable a form in React to use Redux to store all of its state.

How to re-trigger validations manually in ReduxForm?

I like to re-trigger validations after the form has mounted. Let's assume I like to run the validations each time …

Material-ui autocomplete clear value

I have one problem in my react code. I use Material-ui and redux-form. I have select input like and after …

reactjs material-ui redux-form
ReactJS: How to wrap react-select in redux-form field?

I am working on react-select library and facing some issues, I am using redux-form library and importing <Field /> …

reactjs redux redux-form react-bootstrap react-select
Using material-ui with redux?

I'm currently rendering main component this way: ReactDOM.render( <Provider store = {store}> {getRoutes(checkAuth)} </Provider>, document.…

reactjs redux material-ui redux-form
How to reset Google recaptcha with react-google-recaptcha

Looks like the google recaptcha works in such a way that if a verification attempt has been made with a …

reactjs redux recaptcha captcha redux-form
how to get selected value onChange of react redux-form drop down

I am using react redux form Fields and I have drop down of classes. I am able to select any …

reactjs redux react-redux redux-form
react / redux-form: how to return promise from onSubmit?

I'm trying to wrap my head around redux, react-redux and redux-form. I have setup a store and added the reducer …

javascript forms reactjs redux redux-form
How to export mapStateToProps and Redux Form?

I'm using Redux Form (ver. 6) for a log in page. What I would like to do is when the user …

reactjs redux react-redux redux-form
Error withRef is removed. To access the wrapped instance, use a ref on the connected component when using Redux Form

I am trying to get Redux Form to work for the first time and I am getting the following error: …

reactjs redux redux-form
How to use React refs to focus a Redux Form field?

I am trying to use React refs to focus a Redux-Form Field when it mounts. When I try this.refs.…

javascript reactjs redux-form react-redux-form