How to reset Google recaptcha with react-google-recaptcha

InquisitiveGirl picture InquisitiveGirl · Oct 1, 2017 · Viewed 10.4k times · Source

Looks like the google recaptcha works in such a way that if a verification attempt has been made with a particular token, it cannot be used again.

Docs states that "you will need to call grecaptcha.reset() to ask the end user to verify with reCAPTCHA again"

I'm trying to attempt this using the react-google-recaptcha npm package.

Here is my code:

function onChange(grecaptcha) {
  grecaptcha.reset(); // this doesn't work

class Captcha extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <div>
      /> </div> 

When I tried to do the server side validations using the google api with response and secret value, the success response always evaluates to "false" after the first validation. To prevent this I'm resetting the grecaptcha as suggested in the docs but it doesn't work.

Anything that I'm missing?

Thanks in advance

EDIT: offers the reset() utility function which is what I'm trying to call after the user solves the captcha, wondering if I'm not calling it the right way.


Sk&#228;ggiga Mannen picture Skäggiga Mannen · Nov 6, 2017

I was having a similar issue, and had to change it to:
