Top "Redis-server" questions

Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value store.

Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused with homebrew

Using homebrew to install Redis but when I try to ping Redis it shows this error: Could not connect to …

redis redis-server
How to start redis-server on a different port than the default port 6379 in ubuntu

How to start redis-server on a different port than the default port 6379 in Ubuntu? I have used the following steps …

redis port ubuntu-14.04 redis-server
Redis fails to start with error: redis-server.service: Failed at step NAMESPACE spawning /usr/bin/redis-server: Stale file handle

After upgrading Debian, it has an issue starting redis-server.service. In the output of journalctl -xe I see the following: …

cannot install redis-server on ubuntu 18.04

I have upgraded to ubuntu 18.04 from 17.10. The redis-server package cannot be fully installed. I looked at /var/log/syslog and …

ubuntu redis redis-server
Using Redis as a cache storage for for multiple application on the same server

I want to use Redis as a cache storage for multiple applications on the same physical machine. I know at …

redis redis-server
Redis's huge files won't delete?

I'm using Redis-server for windows ( 2.8.4 - MSOpenTech) / windows 8 64bit. It is working great , but even after I run : I see …

windows redis redis-server
Running multiple instance of Redis on Centos

I want to run multiple instance of Redis on Centos 7. Can anyone point me to proper link or post steps …

redis stackexchange.redis node-redis redis-server
How to configure Redis to persist data after reboot on Linux?

I installed Redis on Ubuntu 16.04. I couldn't find Redis directory nor redis.conf file (tried with: sudo find redis.conf). …

redis redis-server redisclient
trouble in setting celery tasks backend in Python

I followed all the steps given in [ ] This is the code: …

python python-3.x redis celery redis-server