Top "Recreate" questions

recreate() is an Android SDK API method available from API lvl 11 (Android 3.0) that causes the calling Activity to be destroyed and recreated.

How to get query that would recreate sql table in PHPMyAdmin

I have table on MySQL server and would like to get the SQL that would re-create the table. How do …

mysql sql recreate
Slick slider options change

I'd like to know if there is any way to pass new options to already created Slick carousel? I have …

jquery slider options slick.js recreate
Unable to recreate missing debug keystore?

I'm a newbie to programming in Android, and I just tried to run my build and got this message Execution …

android debugging keystore recreate
How do I import existing iPhone app without .xcodeproj file into Xcode

I have an existing iPhone app (made on a previous version of XCode by a colleague) that I would like …

iphone xcode import recreate
Masonry destroy and initialize again

I have initialize masonry plugin - works OK, than I destroy it for media width <= 767px - it was …

media-queries jquery-masonry destroy recreate
Prevent Fragment recovery in Android

We are using Fragments and we don't need them to be automatically recovered when the Activity is recreated. But Android …

android memory-management garbage-collection fragment recreate