Top "Recommendation-engine" questions

For questions relating to recommendation engines, collaborative filtering, and personalization.

What's difference between item-based and content-based collaborative filtering?

I am puzzled about what the item-based recommendation is, as described in the book "Mahout in Action". There is the …

mahout recommendation-engine mahout-recommender
Recall, Recall rate@k and precision in top-k recommendation

According to authors in 1, 2, and 3, Recall is the percentage of relevant items selected out of all the relevant items in …

recommendation-engine evaluation precision-recall
How to Implement A Recommendation System?

I've Collective Intelligence book, but I'm not sure how it can be apply in practical. Let say I have a …

php python mysql recommendation-engine
SOLR and Natural Language Parsing - Can I use it?

Requirements Word frequency algorithm for natural language processing Using Solr While the answer for that question is excellent, I was …

lucene solr nlp recommendation-engine
How do recommendation systems work?

I've always been curious as to how these systems work. For example, how do netflix or Amazon determine what recommendations …

algorithm recommendation-engine
How to create my own recommendation engine?

I am interested in recommendation engines these days and I want to improve myself in this area. I am currently …

database recommendation-engine collective-intelligence
"ValueError: labels ['timestamp'] not contained in axis" error

I have this code ,i want to remove the column 'timestamp' from the file but can't.It shows …

python pandas machine-learning recommendation-engine data-science
Using machine learning to de-duplicate data

I have the following problem and was thinking I could use machine learning but I'm not completely certain it will …

machine-learning duplicates mahout recommendation-engine record-linkage
Recommendation Engines for Java applications

I was wondering if there is any open source recommendation engine available? It should suggest something like Amazon and Netflix. …

java recommendation-engine mahout
Aptana: which one is better? Standalone Version or Eclipse Plug-in Version?

i'm new to ubuntu and wanna choose my php/javascript IDE. there is two options for download: Standalone Version and …

php ide recommendation-engine aptana