Aptana: which one is better? Standalone Version or Eclipse Plug-in Version?

Alexar picture Alexar · Sep 17, 2010 · Viewed 12.5k times · Source

i'm new to ubuntu and wanna choose my php/javascript IDE. there is two options for download:

Standalone Version


Eclipse Plug-in Version

the performance and not being too hight-weight is important to me.

which one shall i download?

what's the benefit of downloading it as a Eclipse plugin? does it help me to use it beside PDT or it's not recommended to do so?


Wolph picture Wolph · Sep 17, 2010

The benefit of downloading it as a plugin is that you can integrate it with your existing eclipse install. If you already have a lot of other plugins installed, that might be useful to you.

If you want Eclipse to be as fast as possible you should just download a very basic version of Eclipse and only install the parts of Aptana that you really need. Instead of everything. Aptana usually comes with too much bloat for my taste, I always disable quite a bit in the General -> Startup and Shutdown section.

If you just need PDT than installing Aptana is probably your easiest way. If you also want to install cDT or something than installing a regular Eclipse package might be easier. If you want it fast, you'll have to disable some plugins either way. Aptana installs more than it needs by default.