Top "Realm" questions

The Realm Platform is a data synchronization platform for mobile applications.

RLMException: 'Primary key property 'serial' does not exist on object 'Book' Migrating to Swift 4

I'm running into this issue with Realm on iOS using Swift 4 compilation, where on startup the app crashes with the …

ios swift realm
Unit testing Swift 2.0, @testable import, and scheme targeting issues

I have recently converted my app, and unit tests over to Swift 2.0. I am using @testable import AppName in my …

ios swift unit-testing swift2 realm
Order by multiple properties using Realm

How can I order my Realm results using multiple properties? I'm sorting them first using one property like this: allShows = …

ios swift realm
Object is not part of the schema for this Realm

As soon as I try to get my object from Realm database, the app crashed and I get this error: …

java android realm
how to store java list in realm android database

How we can store java list in realm android database. I try to store it by using setter method present …

android realm realm-mobile-platform
Why does Realm use try! in Swift?

Why Does Realm use try! so frequently? It seems like if you're certain your call won't fail then you should …

ios swift error-handling realm
How do you check if a realm instance has been closed already?

I'm using Realm for Android to store some data. When the user presses the log out button, I'd like to …

java android realm
Delete Single Object Data /Row from Realm in android

I added a data of single User Like this : Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance(); newUser = new UserDatabase(); realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.…

android database realm delete-row
RealmObject changeListener

I'm trying to understand notification types in Realm from the Notifications section in the official docs, and when I'm using …

android realm changelistener
How to convert RealmResults<Model> to ArrayList<Model>?

When I use realm.where(Model.class) it returns RealmResults and list item's fields are empty. How to convert queryset …

java realm realm-list