RLMException: 'Primary key property 'serial' does not exist on object 'Book' Migrating to Swift 4

Hellojeffy picture Hellojeffy · Feb 15, 2018 · Viewed 12.1k times · Source

I'm running into this issue with Realm on iOS using Swift 4 compilation, where on startup the app crashes with the following message

RLMException', reason: 'Primary key property 'serial' does not exist on object 'Book''

I saw similar error messages, but not the same one. This is what my object looks like

import Foundation
import RealmSwift

class Book: Object {
    dynamic var serial: String = ""
    dynamic var title: String = ""
    dynamic var pages: Int = 0
    dynamic var genre: String = ""

    override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
        return "serial"

When I checked the default.realm file through the Realm Browser app, I noticed that the entries only have a # (0,1,2) and no data in it. If I comment out the primary key, it runs, but nothing is stored in Realm for this object. Can't figure out why it's crashing!


Gal Shahar picture Gal Shahar · Sep 21, 2019

Although it doesn't necessarily about migration, there's an issue with iOS 13 and Xcode 11 which may cause this problem. All String properties of Realm classes with a default String value set are disregarded somehow. You can fix this by updating to the latest version (currently 3.20.0) and than on Xcode: Product -> Clean Build Folder.

If you're using cocoa-pods, do this:

Open your project's Podfile, and replace RealmSwift line with:

pod 'RealmSwift', '~> 3.20.0'

Then, open terminal on the project's folder and:

pod repo update
pod install

Hope that helps.