Top "Real-time" questions

A task is real-time when the timeliness of the activities' completion is a functional requirement and correctness condition, rather than merely a performance metric.

What is a blocking function?

What is a blocking function or a blocking call? This is a term I see again and again when referring …

node.js asynchronous real-time terminology blocking
JFreeChart - How to show real-time on the X-Axis of a TimeSeries chart

I want to show live data on a TimeSeries chart with real time shown on the x-axis (or at least …

java real-time jfreechart timeserieschart
Single producer, single consumer data structure with double buffer in C++

I have an application at $work where I have to move between two real-time threads that are scheduled at different …

c++ concurrency real-time producer-consumer double-buffering
Laravel websocket cant connect to pusher ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

I have a laravel application with websockets. I already setup all the needs for the websocket and pusher config. But …

php laravel websocket real-time laravel-websockets
ARP Timeouts. Why fixed periodic?

This one's been bugging me for years. Basic question: Is there some reason ARP has to be implemented with fixed …

udp real-time arp
What to use for real-time chat application

Im developing a chat application just like with some more features for my college project. I want to …

ruby-on-rails node.js real-time faye
Backbone.js: define timeout for Backbone.sync implementation

I'm using backbone on a project of mine, integrated with communication to an external API. I want to use real-time …

ajax backbone.js real-time polling
xmpphp XMPP, send message from php script

Hi I have a jabberserver and i would like to be able to push messages out to users from a …

php real-time xmpp xmpphp
How do real time updates work?

Now a days real time updates are common in most popular sites which have heavy usages. StackExchange Facebook Twitter I'm …

javascript real-time stackexchange
Auto-scoll/pan in OxyPlot real-time data series plotting

I am using OxyPlot in a C# winforms app. My axese are LinearAxis type. I am trying to plot some …

c# real-time oxyplot