Top "Faye" questions

Faye is an easy-to-use publish-subscribe messaging system based on the Bayeux protocol.

sending a javascript object through websockets with faye

Hi all I'm trying to send a javascript object through websockets: the faye-websockets documentation says: send(message) accepts either a …

node.js serialization websocket javascript-objects faye
Starting thin server without the thin gem does not work

I am using ruby 1.9.3 and rails 3.2.2. Every time i use the thin server with private_pub gem it does not …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 ruby-on-rails-3.1 thin faye
easily integrate and rails

I am using rails for more than 2 years now,,now I am building a real time application which is simple …

ruby-on-rails node.js faye private-pub
What to use for real-time chat application

Im developing a chat application just like with some more features for my college project. I want to …

ruby-on-rails node.js real-time faye
Autorun the Faye server when I start the Rails server

I currently have Faye working with my Rails 3.0.9 application. However I have two separate tabs open in my terminal. One …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 faye
cannot load such file -- thin (LoadError) while running rackup -s thin -E production command

I am referring to the pub railscast tutorial and have followed all steps properly but while running last command i.…

ruby faye private-pub