Top "Reactstrap" questions

Stateless React Components for Bootstrap 4.

What is difference between reactstrap and react-bootstrap?

I found two different bootstraps for reactjs npm install --save reactstrap react react-dom npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap What is the …

reactjs react-bootstrap reactstrap
How to change background colors in Reactstrap

I am using react strap to help style an application I'm creating, however I can't figure out how to change …

css reactjs twitter-bootstrap reactstrap
Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <a> cannot appear as a descendant of <a>

I'm trying to use react-router with reactstrap in a create-reat-app .In the routing page i needed to use state for …

reactjs react-router create-react-app reactstrap
How to set selected item in reactstrap Dropdown?

How to set selected item in reactstrap Dropdown? There is example of dropdown: When …

reactjs components reactstrap
Module not found: Can't resolve '../../assets/img-3.jpg' in ''

I am trying to import local image to reactjs. But its not working. I am using reactstrap to make carousel. …

reactjs reactstrap
React / Reactstrap Warning: Legacy context API has been detected within a strict-mode tree

This is brand new install - I have not put any transitions on the Alert component To replicate the code …

reactjs reactstrap strict
How do I make my React Bootstrap cards line up horizontally and equally spaced (also responsively if possible)

I am using Reactstrap and displaying my cards dynamically and they seem to want to stack vertically no matter what …

reactjs twitter-bootstrap react-bootstrap reactstrap
Using reactstrap with Next.js

I am creating a React app using Next.js and am trying to use components provided by reactstrap. The issue …

javascript css reactjs next.js reactstrap
ml-auto is not pushing navbar links to the right

I'm using reactstrap and have been following this link: In the example, the <…

css reactjs flexbox bootstrap-4 reactstrap
In create-react-app, adding Bootstrap 4?

Since create-react-app hides Webpack config without having to use eject, if I want to use something like reactstrap or react-bootstrap, …

twitter-bootstrap reactjs webpack create-react-app reactstrap