Top "React-router" questions

React Router - A complete routing library for React inspired by Ember's routing system

React-Router : What is the purpose of IndexRoute?

I don't understand what the purpose of using an IndexRoute and IndexLink. It seems that in any case the code …

javascript reactjs react-router url-routing
Simple Conditional Routing in Reactjs

How to make conditional Routing, if and only if some conditions satisfies then only routing should happen. for example, if …

reactjs react-router react-redux react-router-v4 react-router-dom
How do i pass state through React_router?

Here is the file that's causing me trouble: var Routers = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return{ userName: "", relatives: [] } }, userLoggedIn: function(userName, …

reactjs react-router browser-history
Multiple path names for a same component in React Router

I am using the same component for three different routes: <Router> <Route path="/home" component={Home} /> &…

javascript reactjs path react-router url-routing
Material-ui adding Link component from react-router

I'm struggling to add <Link/> component to my material-ui AppBar This is my navigation class: class Navigation extends …

javascript reactjs react-router material-ui
React-Bootstrap link item in a navitem

I'm having some styling issues using react-router and react-bootstrap. below is a snippet of the code import { Route, RouteHandler, Link } …

react-router react-bootstrap
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined (React-Router-Dom)

I have a Dashboard with rotating slides, each of which has a corresponding tab in Bldgs. Both Dashboard.js and …

javascript reactjs react-router react-router-dom
Can I set a base route in react-router

Assuming my app's base url is Is it possible to set a base route in react-router so …

Component does not remount when route parameters change

I'm working on a react application using react-router. I have a project page that has a url as follows: myapplication.…

reactjs react-router
React router, pass data when navigating programmatically?

We could navigate to different path using this.props.router.push('/some/path') Is there a way to send …

reactjs react-router react-redux