Top "React-router" questions

React Router - A complete routing library for React inspired by Ember's routing system

React Router Pass Param to Component

const rootEl = document.getElementById('root'); ReactDOM.render( <BrowserRouter> <Switch> <Route exact path="/"> <MasterPage /&…

reactjs react-router
React router redirect after action redux

I'm using react-redux and standard react-routing. I need redirect after definite action. For example: I have registration a few steps. …

reactjs react-router redux redux-framework
You should not use <Link> outside a <Router>

I'm trying to set up react-router in an example application, and I'm getting the following error: You should not use &…

reactjs react-router jsx
How to do POST in FORM Submit using reactjs and pass the object value into REST service?

I have created a login page using reactjs, when I send my user input/password through a post method rest …

javascript reactjs react-router reactjs-flux
react router v^4.0.0 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'location' of undefined

I've been having some trouble with react router (i'm using version^4.0.0). this is my index.js import React from 'react'; …

javascript json reactjs react-router
react-router scroll to top on every transition

I have an issue when navigating into another page, its position will remain like the page before. So it won't …

javascript reactjs react-router react-router-redux
How to get query parameters in react-router v4

I'm using react-router-dom 4.0.0-beta.6 in my project. I have a code like following: <Route exact path="/home" component={HomePage}/&…

react-router react-router-v4 react-router-dom
What is withRouter for in react-router-dom?

I've sometimes seen people wrap their components in withRouter when they are exporting them: import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; class Foo …

reactjs react-router
Intercept/handle browser's back button in React-router?

I'm using Material-ui's Tabs, which are controlled and I'm using them for (React-router) Links like this: <Tab value={0} label="…

javascript reactjs react-router material-ui
Active link with React-Router?

I'm trying out React-Router (v4) and I'm having issues starting off the Nav to have one of the Link's be …

javascript reactjs ecmascript-6 react-router