Top "React-native-text" questions

How do I make text bold, italic, or underline in React Native?

Surprisingly there isn't one question that groups these all together yet on Stack Overflow; there hasn't been an answer on …

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Setting a border for react native TextInput

Using React native 0.26, My component is something like this const Search = () => { return ( <View style={styles.backgroundImage}> <…

react-native react-native-text
Adding border only to the one side of the <Text/> component in React Native (iOS)

I am facing something weird issue with React-Native's <Text/> component in iOS. I wanted to apply borderBottomWidth style …

ios reactjs react-native react-native-text
Is it possible to capitalize first letter of text/string in react native? How to do it?

I have to capitalize first letter of text that i want to display. I searched for it but i cant …

react-native text react-native-android react-native-text
Inline elements implementation

I want to create Text components and to display them in a row , like span elements in html. If i'm …

react-native react-native-text
Nested Text, Vertical Align not working - React Native

Ok, Let's make this simple. I've two Text components, one inside another. The first Text has fontSize of 60, and the …

javascript reactjs react-native jsx react-native-text
Global "Text" color and "TextInput" text color

I've started to work with react-native few days ago and after some extensive search I weren't able to find answers …

android ios react-native react-native-text