Adding border only to the one side of the <Text/> component in React Native (iOS)

Nirav Dangi picture Nirav Dangi · Apr 6, 2016 · Viewed 59.2k times · Source

I am facing something weird issue with React-Native's <Text/> component in iOS.

I wanted to apply borderBottomWidth style into <Text/> component but it did NOT work. However, the borderWidth option worked.

  • Worked <Text style={{borderWidth:1}}> React Native </Text>

  • NOT Worked <Text style={{borderBottomWidth:1}}> React Native </Text>

Is there any way to only apply bottom level border into the <Text/> component?

Thank you!


I am aware of following mentioned approaches in order to achieve this but in my case, I required to apply the style only to the <Text/> component.

  1. We can try wrapping <View/> to the <Text/> and apply borderBottomWidth style to the <View/>. (borderBottomWidth works fine with <View/>)
  2. Adding such <View/> just below to the <Text/> component which can look like a line.


Chaim Paneth picture Chaim Paneth · Jan 4, 2018

Even though borderBottom doesn't work on the Text component, it did work for me on the TextInput component, just set editable to false and set the value to your desired text as so...

    value={'My Text'}/>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    textInput: {
        borderBottomColor: 'black',
        borderBottomWidth: 1,