Top "React-native-maps" questions

React Native Maps is a set of components developed by Airbnb to facilitate the rendering of map components using React Native framework on both Android and iOS.

navigator.geolocation.watchPosition only return each 100 m

I am using navigator.geolocation.watchPosition in my react native project to paint a path on a map while the …

react-native geolocation react-native-maps
How to get the address from google maps autocomplete in React Native

I am using react-native-google-places-autocomplete to select a location. I want to extract the location selected and use it in other …

google-maps react-native autocomplete react-native-maps react-props
How to draw polygon on react native maps with many points(latitude and longitude)?

I have been following this documentation for drawing polygon on map. Now I tried to fetch the value for latitude …

javascript reactjs react-native react-native-maps
unknown property 'supportLibVersion' for object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler

I am getting following error Could not get unknown property 'supportLibVersion' for object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.…

react-native react-native-android react-native-maps
React-native-maps Blank page Only google logo

I've been trying to install google maps for react-native for a week an still no success. I've searched and tried …

android google-maps react-native-android react-native-maps
Display user location on react native maps

How to display user location on React Native Maps <MapView region={this.props.coordinate} > //My map markers </…

react-native react-native-maps
react native draw a circle on the map

This is probably pretty simple, but without anyone anywhere online providing an actual example of how to do this, I …

geometry react-native-maps
"Error using newLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds, int): Map size can't be zero...." using react-native-maps on Android

I get an error: "Error using newLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds, int): Map size can't be zero. Most likely layout has not yet …

android reactjs react-native react-native-android react-native-maps
React-Native-Maps fits Coordinate right after being loaded

The example provided in the examples of the react-native-maps repo on GitHub shows a button to execute a function to …

javascript android google-maps react-native react-native-maps
react-native-maps with expo

So im trying to make native-maps work within an expo app and the documentation page says that "No setup required …

react-native react-native-maps