Top "React-native-maps" questions

React Native Maps is a set of components developed by Airbnb to facilitate the rendering of map components using React Native framework on both Android and iOS.

React Native Maps and callout with images

I am not able to display images (both from the assets and web) in custom marker callout : the image in …

android react-native react-native-maps
How to fix"AIRMap" was not found in the UIManager error in react native?

Unhandled JS Exception: Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "AIRMap" was not found in the UIManager. This error is located at: in AIRMap (…

ios react-native react-native-maps
React Native Accessing view manager configs directly off UIManager via UIManager['AIRMap'] is no longer supported

I'm getting the following warning "Accessing view manager configs directly off UIManager via UIManager['AIRMap'] is no longer supported. Use …

react-native react-native-android react-native-maps
How can I show a route map from the current location to some destination (some address) location?

In React Native I am developing a sample application using react-native-maps. It's working fine, but I didn't find out: How …

android react-native react-native-maps
React Native ios 'GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h' file not found

I got a problem with my app. When I try to build it on Android Studio everything works fine but …

react-native react-native-maps
Get "supportLibVersion" , "playServicesVersion" and "androidMapsUtilsVersion" Value in configuration react-native-maps

I am installing react-native-maps. In the installation guide, on Build configuration on Android in Section 3.1, it shows: buildscript { ext { buildToolsVersion = "…

javascript react-native google-play-services react-native-android react-native-maps
Can you customize the current location marker in react native maps?

I'd like to use a custom marker image instead of the pulsing blue dot - is there a way to …

google-maps mapkit react-native-maps