Top "Ratchet" questions

Ratchet is a PHP WebSockets library.

Failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

I try to connect with socket to my server. My server is running server socket with Rachet on port 8080. I …

javascript sockets ssl websocket ratchet
php ratchet websocket SSL connect?

I have a ratchet chat server file use Ratchet\Server\IoServer; use Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer; use MyAppChat\Chat; require dirname(__…

php ssl websocket ratchet
How to send messages to particular users Ratchet PHP Websocket

I'm trying to build a system where user can subscribe to a category on establishing connection to websocket server and …

php websocket real-time ratchet
Can Ratchet WebSocket Server send a message to client itself?

I want to use a Ratchet ( for permanent connection between iPhone Apps and Server. And I need …

php sockets websocket ratchet
PHP Fatal error: Class 'MyApp\Chat' not found in /MyApp/chat-server.php

I am trying to run the Ratchet application demo but I can't execute the file This is my file structure /…

php composer-php ratchet
Want to choose from: Node.js Meteor.js Ratchet RabbitMQ for Real-time WebChat(Forum)

I made some research before asking this question but I couldn't find a concrete answer for my situation. I want …

node.js websocket rabbitmq meteor ratchet
How do I install Ratchet WebSockets for PHP on MAMP or XAMPP?

I'm trying to integrate a real time chat into my php / backbone app and I thought I would use ratchet? …

php websocket real-time ratchet
Ratchet socket from Android and IOS clients

I've written socket PHP code using Ratchet . Here is simple code, that works when I send and get messages from …

javascript android ios sockets ratchet
WebSocket connection to failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

Good day guys I'm building a chat app using ratchet and save data to mysql database. On localhost everything is …

php websocket ratchet
Ratchet: Still Connecting State

I'm beginner about this websocket and I'm trying this Ratchet for my first project.. I've done the install tutorial in …

javascript php websocket composer-php ratchet