How do I install Ratchet WebSockets for PHP on MAMP or XAMPP?

Jason Biondo picture Jason Biondo · Mar 8, 2013 · Viewed 11.6k times · Source

I'm trying to integrate a real time chat into my php / backbone app and I thought I would use ratchet? What do I need to do to install Ratchet into MAMP or XAMPP? The only documentation provided on their website is to use CURL, but I don't know how to install the necessary resources for localhost, nor do I know where those resources need to be add to. Any advice would be appreciated.


Ingro picture Ingro · Mar 8, 2013

You should install composer.phar in the root directory of your project.

If you are on linux you could simply run the command curl -s | php, otherwise you could use the windows installer from curl's download page

Once you have installed composer you have to create a 'composer.json' file where you will add all the dependencies needed for your project. If you only need Ratchet just paste this into your json file:

    "require": {
        "cboden/Ratchet": "0.2.*"

Once you have done that, return to your terminal and run the command php composer.phar install.

This will install Ratchet and its dependencies on a newly created 'vendor' folder.

Now you could include Rathet in your php file in this way:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

That's all I think!