Top "Raspbian" questions

Raspbian is a free Debian-based OS for the Raspberry-Pi computer.

How do I properly redirect stdout/stderr from a systemd service on Raspbian?

I set up a service on Raspbian (Jessie) using systemd to make it start after boot. The daemon config looks …

python python-3.x raspberry-pi raspbian systemd
Can't connect to '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'

This is my first post here, so I hope I do everything right and don't forget any important info. I'm …

mysql sockets raspbian mysql-error-2002
Configure MySQL for local and remote access

I'm using MySQL server version: 10.1.23-MariaDB-9+deb9u1 Raspbian 9.0 on a Raspberry Pi. This is my /etc/mysql/my.cnf: # …

mysql raspberry-pi3 raspbian
OSError: [Errno 19] Failed to open the uinput device: No such device

I am pretty new to raspberry and Linux. I am trying to run basic example of python library uinput on …

python linux raspbian uinput
running librosa & numba on raspberry pi 3

I am trying to run librosa on my raspberry pi 3. After hours of searching through the internet I was finally …

python raspbian raspberry-pi3 numba librosa
Why is there such a performance difference on Raspberry pi between Open and Oracle JDK?

On my Raspberry I did some Performance Tests like CaffeineMark and SciMark with both JVMs. There is a huge performance …

java oracle performance raspberry-pi raspbian
Python Gzip - Appending to file on the fly

Is it possible to append to a gzipped text file on the fly using Python ? Basically I am doing this:…

python gzip raspberry-pi raspbian
How do I build and install an electron app for raspbian using appimage

I am working on creating an electron appimage for my raspberry pi 4 to use in my car. I want to …

electron raspbian auto-update electron-builder appimage
Can't start mosquitto on raspbian jessie using systemctl

First did this: systemctl stop mosquitto update-rc.d mosquitto remove rm /etc/init.d/mosquitto Unit file as follows: [Unit] …

raspberry-pi debian raspbian systemctl
How to install PHP 5.6 on Raspbian wheezy?

I was wondering about how to install PHP 5.6.x on my Raspberry Pi. Currently version 5.4.41 is installed and because of …

php raspbian apt raspberry-pi2