Top "Raml" questions

RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML)

Convert Swagger JSON to RAML/YAML

How do I convert Swagger JSON to RAML/YAML and validate it? I am not looking for a programmatic way, …

json api yaml swagger raml
How to escape Special Characters in JSON

We have a form which has a long paragraph for a scienctific application that contains characters like symbol beta(ß-arrestin) …

java json mule raml
Describing URI parameters in RAML

I'm declaring a REST service API stub in RAML. My web application provides equipment, which can be listed, obtained by …

api rest raml
Defining Array in RAML

I have a requirement where we have to define one of the headers as an array in RAML 1.0. It works …

api mule raml
Good rest code generation and documentation tool

I have been considering a documentation tool for building a backend for a web service to be used in multiple …

rest swagger apiblueprint raml
How to define an array of a type in an external file in Raml?

If I have a file defining a Datatype SimpleDuple, and in another file defining another datatype called DiscreetFilter I want …

arrays types include modularity raml
RAML: Nested Schemas

1) When writing RAML, can I use nesting in my schema definition? For example: schemas: - DNSResponse: | { "type": "object", "properties": { "AnswerSection": { "…

Sample RAMLs available online

I would like to know if there are any publicly available APIs documented with RAML. I have these 2 which are …

yaml raml raml-java-parser
RAML : How to require parameter A OR parameter B

I'm writing some REST documentation with RAML but I'm stuck. My problem: - I have a GET request used for …

api raml
How to use RAML to describe an API using OAuth2

I'm want to use RAML to describe an API using OAuth2 Does anyone have a solution or example I could …

api rest oauth-2.0 raml