Top "Quartz-2d" questions

Quartz 2D is the primary two-dimensional graphics rendering API for Mac OS X, part of the Core Graphics framework.

Drawing Image with CGImage?

I have a CGImageRef and I want to display it on an NSView. I already have an CGImageRef from source …

cocoa core-graphics nsview quartz-2d
What's the right memory management pattern for buffer->CGImageRef->UIImage?

I have a function that takes some bitmap data and returns a UIImage * from it. It looks something like so: …

iphone uiimage core-graphics quartz-2d core-foundation
iPhone, CGPDFDocument - PDF links

I'm trying to write a simple PDF viewer using CGPDFDocument, based on QuartzDemo. There is common rendering: -(void)drawInContext:(…

iphone cocoa-touch pdf hyperlink quartz-2d
How to use CGContextDrawImage?

I need some help using the CGContextDrawImage. I have the following code which will create a Bitmap context and convert …

quartz-2d cgcontextdrawimage
Rotate CGImage taken from video frame

This is Apple's code (from Technical Q&A QA1702) for getting a UIImage from a video buffer. Unfortunately, the …

iphone core-graphics quartz-2d avfoundation
Set a UIView scale transform without effecting other transforms

I have a UIView that I scale down when it is touched and scale back up when the touch is …

ios uiview core-graphics quartz-2d
CoreAnimation, moving UIImageView with animating shadow in iOS 5 Xcode 4

I am trying to add a (fake)3d like effect for an image (UIImageView moving from point A to B, …

objective-c ios xcode4 core-animation quartz-2d