Top "Qt5.3" questions

Version 5.3 of the Qt library, that is a cross-platform application development application and UI framework.

How to set a different background-color to a disabled button with QSS?

I have already tried to use disabled and !enabled but it doesn't work. Here is my QSS code : QPushButton { background-color:#44…

c++ qt qt5 qtstylesheets qt5.3
Improving the quality of random number generation in Qt 5.3

I am currently implementing a random number generator in Qt5.3 as part of genetic algorithm experiments. I have tried several …

c++ qt random seeding qt5.3
QML ListView method positionViewAtEnd() does exactly the opposite

I'm going crazy. I have a ListView inside a ScrollView, hooked up to a model that inherits QAbstractListModel. When objects …

qt listview qml qt5.3