Top "Qt4" questions

Questions specifically relating to the deprecated version 4.x.x of the Qt C++ GUI library.

Selecting a row in QTreeView programmatically

I have a QTreeView with QFileSystemModel as model. The QTreeView has SelectionBehavior set to SelectRows. In my code I read …

c++ qt qt4 qtreeview
Identifier for win64 configuration in Qmake

Is there a "win64" identifier in Qmake project files? Qt Qmake advanced documentation does not mention other than unix / macx / …

windows qt 64-bit qt4 qmake
How can I create a HTTP POST request with Qt 4.6.1?

How can I create a HTTP POST request with some URL encoded parameters using Qt 4.6.1? I figured out that I …

c++ http qt4
Removing a non empty folder in Qt

How to remove a non-empty folder in Qt.

qt qt4
Selecting QComboBox in QTableWidget

One cell in each row of a QTableWidget contains a combobox for (each row in table ... ) { QComboBox* combo = new QComboBox(); …

c++ qt qt4 qtablewidget qcombobox
Edit Value of a QDomElement?

I need to edit the text of a QDomElement - Eg I have an XML file with its content as …

c++ qt qt4 qtxml
How to install Pyside for Python 2.7?

Hey I am pretty new to Pyside and am not sure how to download it or Qt? I have a 64…

python qt qt4 qt5 pyside
QTableView - not allow user to edit cell

I created a QTableView with a QSqlTableModel. By standard, double-clicking on the cells will mark them and the user can …

c++ qt qt4 qtableview
How can I simulate user interaction (key press event) in Qt?

I need to simulate "Enter" key event in Qt. How can I do this?

qt qt4 keyevent
ComboBox of CheckBoxes?

I am trying to make the items in a ComboBox checkable. I tried this:…

qt qt4