Top "Qt4" questions

Questions specifically relating to the deprecated version 4.x.x of the Qt C++ GUI library.

About deleting, removing widgets and layouts in Qt 4

(I use Qt 4.7, Windows 7, 64bit). I created a custom table. Each row is a horizontal layout with widgets. The rows …

qt layout widget qt4
Qt get children from layout

I try to hide all widgets in layout. But looks like findChildren doesn't work for layout. Here's my sample code: …

c++ qt qt4 qt-designer
How can I hide/delete the "?" help button on the "title bar" of a Qt Dialog?

I am using Qt Dialogs in one of my application. I need to hide/delete the help button. But i …

qt qt4 qdialog
URL for multiple markers in Google Maps

In a desktop Qt application, I have some GPS coordinates that I'd like to show on a map. My plan …

url google-maps qt4
PyQt4 File select widget

I want to make a QT4 (using QT designer) dialog, that contains a part where a file has to be …

python qt4 pyqt4 filedialog qfiledialog
Qt HTTP Server?

I'd like to write a small HTTP server application that receives HTTP GET requests, processes them and sends out a …

qt web-services qt4
Create a random string or number in Qt4

Is there any function or something like that by which I can create totally random strings or numbers?

qt qt4 random
How can I add a checkbox/radio button to QTableWidget

How can I add a checkbox/radiobutton/combobox to a QTableWidget or a QListWidget?

c++ qt qt4 qt-creator qtablewidget
Understanding form layout mechanisms in Qt

Qt has a flexible and powerful layout mechanism to handle view of desktop application's windows. But it is so flexible, …

qt forms qt4 qt-designer
What is the correct way of QSqlDatabase & QSqlQuery?

I got confused with the manual , should i work like this: { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase (...); QSqlQuery query (db); query.exec (...); } …

database qt qt4 qtsql