Top "Pyscripter" questions

PyScripter is a free and open-source software Python integrated development environment (IDE) editor for Windows.

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u201c' in position 34: ordinal not in range(128)

I have been working on a program to retrieve questions from stack overflow. Till yesterday the program was working fine, …

python python-2.7 pyscripter stackexchange-api
WindowsError: [Error 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application in Python

I wish to import liblas module in Python 2.7 on window 64bit. If I import the module with IDLE (Python GUI) …

python 64-bit runtime-error pyscripter
How do I make PyScripter work? Says it cant find python26.dll

I installed PyScript to try it out but it just wont start. It only gives me the error: "Error126: Could …

python pythonpath pyscripter
Running code in PyCharm's console

Are there any smooth way to run Python scripts in the PyCharm's console? My previous IDE - PyScripter - provides …

python pycharm pyscripter
How to change the version of python that pyscripter uses

I am a newb with python and just learning what to do. I am using pyscripter and have been for …

Explicitly declaring a variable type in Python

I use pyscripter for coding, it supports auto-completion. So, when I say: a = [] a. It gives me all the list …

python pyscripter
Receiving AttributeError from os.path.isfile() function

Receiving the below error when running my script: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 54, in <…

python python-2.7 pyscripter
Changing PyScripter to work with different Python Versions

I'm using PyScripter for writing python programs and I can't figure out how to make it work with Python26 on …

python pyscripter
PyScripter for Python 2.7

How to run PyScripter if you have Python 2.7 installed? There is a command line parameter for Pyscipter to tell it …

python python-2.7 pyscripter
PyScripter - change highlighting options/color scheme Python

Just wondering if anyone else is using PyScripter as a Python editing app. I've been runnign my python IDLE in …

python syntax-highlighting pyscripter