How do I make PyScripter work? Says it cant find python26.dll

Alex picture Alex · Apr 17, 2010 · Viewed 22.1k times · Source

I installed PyScript to try it out but it just wont start. It only gives me the error: "Error126: Could not open Dll "python26.dll" followed by: "Python could not be properly initialized. We must quit."

I think this may have something to do with the PYTHONPATH but since I'm a newbie and dont know what it is or exactly what to put in the PYTHONPATH, after some googling, I ask here.

Also, when I tried to install wxPython it was impossible becouse the PYTHONPATH could not be found.(Just a side note)


YOU picture YOU · Apr 17, 2010

Edit: PyScripter don't need wxPython to run that.

and Looks like you have 64bit python, according to your comment.

but pyscripter site says, you need 32 bit version of python

If you are using a 64bit version of Windows note that PyScripter will only work if a 32bit version of Python is installed.

So, only the way is you need to download/install 32 bit python and run pyscripter after that.


You might want to try out ulipad which works with 64 bit python and wxPython 64 bit.