Top "Pycaffe" questions

The Python interface – pycaffe – is the caffe module and its scripts in caffe/python.

NameError: name 'get_ipython' is not defined

I am working on Caffe framework and using PyCaffe interface. I am using a Python script obtained from converting the …

python ipython caffe pycaffe
Cheat sheet for caffe / pycaffe?

Does anyone know whether there is a cheat sheet for all important pycaffe commands? I was so far using caffe …

ipython-notebook caffe pycaffe
How to completely uninstall opencv ubuntu?

I am installing caffe and I think I screwed up my install by having multiple versions of OpenCV. Now i …

opencv ubuntu-14.04 caffe pycaffe
Faster RCNN for TensorFlow

Has anyone implement the FRCNN for TensorFlow version? I found some related repos as following: Implement roi pool layer Implement …

tensorflow detection caffe pycaffe
Exception: "dot" not found in path in python on mac

I want to use caffe.draw to draw the caffe net by anaconda python on mac. But I got the …

python macos path pycaffe
Extracting weights from .caffemodel without caffe installed in Python

Is there a relatively simple way to extract weights in Python from one of the many pretrained models in Caffe …

python neural-network deep-learning caffe pycaffe
pyplot axes title not showing

I have written this code to check object bounding box but when I give title to the axes, it doesn't …

python matplotlib pycaffe
No module found

I install caffe and it worked fine. In cmd, I can import it use python, but when I use jupyter …

python jupyter-notebook caffe pycaffe
Building custom Caffe layer in python

After parsing many links regarding building Caffe layers in Python i still have difficulties in understanding few concepts. Can please …

python neural-network deep-learning caffe pycaffe
Pycharm Couldn't connect to console process

I recently installed Caffe along with OpenCV and other dependencies. Pycharm worked well for 2 days and today I can't start …

python pycharm caffe pycaffe