Top "Py2exe" questions

Py2exe is a python extension that converts Python Scripts to Windows Executables.

how can i get the executable's current directory in py2exe?

I use this bit of code in my script to pinpoint, in a cross-platform way, where exactly it's being run …

python py2exe
ImportError: No module named cycler

I am using wxpython and matplotlib to develop a software,when I complete my work, I want to convert the …

python matplotlib wxpython py2exe
Python Windows service pyinstaller executables error 1053

I have written a Windows service in python. If I run my script from the command prompt python …

python windows service py2exe pyinstaller
Can 64-bit python create 32-bit Windows executables

I have a new 64-bit Windows machine and use python for various things and so would prefer to install 64-bit …

python 32bit-64bit py2exe
Including PYDs/DLLs in py2exe builds

One of the modules for my app uses functions from a .pyd file. There's an option to exclude dlls (exclude_…

python dll installation py2exe pyd
how to build .exe for python 3.5+, 3.6 if possible?

Is there now an easy protocol to build a .exe from python 3.5+, using modules pyqtgraph, qt5, theano, pymc3, numpy, scipy, …

python pyinstaller py2exe cx-freeze pynsist
Simple license protection for Python app

Although there are quite a few questions like this, please bear with me as I think mine is different... I …

python licensing py2exe py2app
Embedding icon in .exe with py2exe, visible in Vista?

I've been trying to embed an icon (.ico) into my "compyled" .exe with py2exe. Py2Exe does have a …

python windows-vista embed icons py2exe
pack a software in Python using py2exe with 'libiomp5md.dll' not found

I have Python 2.7 on Window 7 OS. I wish to pack my in an Executable using py2exe. Following …

python runtime-error exe executable py2exe
Changing the icon of the produced .exe, py2exe

Ive been googling this however none of the results worked for me. Here is my setup file setup( windows = [ { "script": "…

python compiler-construction py2exe