Top "Py2exe" questions

Py2exe is a python extension that converts Python Scripts to Windows Executables.

pymssql throws ImportError: No module named _mssql when build app with py2exe

I have python application that shoud be launched as windows executable. I'm using py2exe and pymssql 1.9.908. I used next …

python py2exe pymssql
ImportError: cannot import name Publisher

I succesfully created an executable version (Py2exe, Pyinstaller) of my application. When I try to run the app from .…

python executable py2exe
Make a py2exe exe run without a console?

Does anyone know how to make an exe with py2exe run without the black console? and bundle up all …

python py2exe
py2exe - No system module 'pywintypes'

I'm trying to convert a simple Python script into a Windows executable. My script is: from distutils.core …

python windows py2exe pywin32 anaconda
Using bundle_files = 1 with py2exe is not working

After some big frustration I did it! I converted my django app to an "exe" one to run as a …

python django dll py2exe
Getting py2exe to work with zope.interface

I have a Python app based on Twisted and PyGTK. Twisted itself depends on zope.interface, and I don't import …

python pygtk twisted py2exe zope.interface
py2exe can't find msvcp90.dll

I'm working on converting a simple GUI script written with Python 2.7 and Pyqt4 into a standalone executable using py2exe. …

python-2.7 py2exe
Py2exe: Are manifest files and w9xpopen.exe required when compiling a web server without GUI interface?

I'm using Py2exe to compile a CherryPy (3.1) server using Python 2.6 (32-bit) on Windows 7 Pro (64-bit). This server will run …

python windows py2exe cherrypy
py2exe `ImportError: No module named backend_tkagg`

I am trying to make a windows executable from a python script that uses matplotlib and it seems that I …

python matplotlib py2exe
Auto updating a python executable generated with pyinstaller

I have a desktop app that I'm working on and I am using PyInstaller to generate de distribution files. I …

python py2exe pyinstaller esky