Top "Pushviewcontroller" questions

Use this tag for questions related to pushing a view controller.

How do i set a modal segue (programmatically) to a push segue

i have an navigation controller in my storyboard, but for one reason i have to make one segue programmatically, but …

xcode ios6 uinavigationcontroller xcode4.5 pushviewcontroller
Is it possible to push a View Controller with a completion block?

UINavigationController's documentation contains no pushViewController methods with a completion: parameter.

ios uiviewcontroller uinavigationcontroller pushviewcontroller
Change animation transition

I got an app with NavigationController. How can i change animation transition style of pushViewController and popToViewController? UPD I created …

ios animation uinavigationcontroller pushviewcontroller popviewcontroller
Push view controller into modal view controller view

I'm trying to get working a simple operation. At least it seems simple. Ok, what I'd like to do is …

ios uinavigationcontroller pushviewcontroller
Using setViewController from UINavigationController on iPhone doesn't behave properly

I'm having a problem with an iPhone App using UINavigationController. When I'm using pushNavigationController, it works fine. The iPhone does …

objective-c uinavigationcontroller pushviewcontroller
How come some of my UIViews are shifted after navigation?

In some of my application designs or for just some UIViews, following a navigationController's pushViewController, my new view will be …

uiview statusbar pushviewcontroller
How to navigate to view controller on push notification

I'd like to navigate to a certain view controller after receiving a push notification. After navigation, the navigation stack should …

ios swift push-notification pushviewcontroller
Why can’t UIImagePickerController be pushed into navigation stack?

When using pushViewController to push UIImagePickerController: [self.navigationController pushViewController:pvc animated:YES]; an error will occur such as: Pushing a …

ios uiimagepickercontroller pushviewcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
Parent view navigationController

I have a view which is a part of a tabBarController. In this view I have a subview with a …

iphone sdk uinavigationcontroller subview pushviewcontroller
pushViewController not working with tab bar controller

I am trying to push in a new view controller with the code: [self.navigationController pushViewController:webViewController animated:YES]; But …

objective-c xcode uinavigationcontroller uitabbarcontroller pushviewcontroller